klik sini comels sekalian!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

kucing gemoks cam bests

to my dear daddy,pleasa buy me kucings gemoks like dis. I want it..I want it!! (sambil hentak2 kaki).. Ko hengat ko budak kecik..haha!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Life II? bila masa ada LIFE I? hahaha... II bcoz its a second entry in one day..yeah!! Never kan serajin ini post two entry in row. Told u guys,kan azam baru..Yeah!!haha..ok,start!! LAst week,i accompany my hsemate pg beli brg2 for kenduri ksyukuran at rumah baru (people here called our house as 'white house'..haha) at pasar besar somewhere here..one thinx dats tkena d hati i ini is when one small boys (i thinx bkn local) ikut2 kmi smbil tarik troli...first tu mmg rasa annoy la..org mau beli brg,sibuk ikut2 blkg smbil ckp 'sorong kak...sorong kak'..i know la itu kreta sorong slash (/) troli kan..and,that small boy is not the only one yg kejar2 org smbil cakap 'sorong kak..sorong kak',but ada beberapa org lg boys yg buat the same thing............................................. after buy groceries yg agak byk,my fren said,'baik kta panggil bdk sorong troli tu kan'..and that moment,baru aku sedar yg they help people angkat barang while shopping..when we ask brapa mau bayar,that small boy just said, 'brapa2 saja la yg kakak mau bagi'.....thats what yg myentuh sedikit hatiku..they find money by doing that work..sorong troli tolong org angkat barang..and,this boy is just small...OhMy...this is what routine that happen in Sabah nowadays..byk unlocal people yg datang cari mkn here akibat desakan hidup d tempat asal..eventhough,yg mburukkan pandangan is unlocal people yg buat benda2 TIDAK BERMORAL!!!!
he push that troli with all his heart...
see~berusaha budak tu tolak our things... P/S: SEE MALAYSIAN,DORG PUN TAU BERUSAHA CARI MKN....(this word utk diri i sendiri juga...hahaha)

Kundasang really awesome!!

Wassup people~~!! Remember when i said beta mahu jadi biologist slash (/) environmentalist when i first open this blog, and now here where are!! :) Because of my job now, beta bpeluang kembali ke tapak kajian (walaweh,tapak kajian!)d kala diriku masih lg student dlu. PUSAT ALAMSEMULAJADI MESILAU slash (/) MESILAU NATURE CENTRE, yeah! Still remember,me n my fren, Farah, pernah buat tesis research at this area n now i'm come back not as a student anymore...hahaha!!At least,i know im a lil bit slow (malas actually!!) but some achievement is in my hand recently. OK!ENOUGH!! I'll start with some picca there~Are u ready??!!(suspen mood)
opkos,my picture first..ahaha...here,at Mesilau Nature Centre!This place is at Kundasang, Ranau, Sabah. FYI,Kundasang is the place at Sabah that have high humidity environmental because of its situated at the base of Mount Kinabalu. So, whoever Malaysian yg suka tempat2 sejuk like negara2 omputih tu,bolehlah bkunjung ke tempat ini. Promo sikit!!hihihi.I still remember, almost 1 month there me n Farah mandi tak basah tapi mkn kenyang.Sejuk gilerss,so cepat lapar.As u can conclude,lihat saja my picca yg smakin chubby,rite?
Farah!!Spesies apa ni??Jeng3x..hehe..ko mesti tau pnya..research ko!
Still remember this river? See next picca~
opkos!the jambatan gantung at Nepenthes garden!miss this place very much.. i cannot mention what research we doing here,with who,n for what. Mati i kena saman bos! SOme more interesting piccas;
nice kan this place.golfclub area.
u can see,ada kabus2 there.
introducing fazrinah, my hsemate and my colleague :)
and,opkos.berat bdn btambah.payah mau lompat.cett!!
Seram kan this picx.But this picx which i like the most. Without editing mcm yg sy slalu buat tu.. :)
I'm at disneyland??No..hehe..ini Dreamworld resort. One of resort at Kundasang,Sabah. If mau cuti2 ke,honeymoon ke at tempat sejuk2 like kundasang u guys can stay here. Nice resort for sure. Price pun quite good jg. And,finally as closing my picca at KInabalu Park gallery and in car to go home..Weee~~~!!
P/S: Whattodo if entry kali ni mcm gila glamor sikit..ahaha..kejap2 muka beta..apa bole buat kan...lalalala~~

Monday, October 24, 2011

Blog yang Bersawang~~

Hello everybody~!!
1st of all i want to say sooooooo sorrrrrrryyy for not updating my blog to all my rakyat jelata for sooooo long time. Why?no need to tell,sbb sbarang sbb adalah alasan ;) Today 24 Oct 2011,beta berikrar akan stiasa mgemaskini entri blog beta. Peace no war!!

Proses pembersihan sawang~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

N, the latest news is I FINALLY GOT A JOB,people!! After 1 year since my graduation, finally i got a government job. I believe in what we called as REZEKI. Alhamdulilah :) N,thanks to those schools yg ambil saya as tmporary teacher n those students yg masih yakin akan my teaching methods. Hope u guys will be success. Those story with ur gila2 teacher ni akan stiasa kna ingat. Haha.

New Job: Lapor diri at 5 September 2011 on Monday. ^^

P/S: I love educating people!!But,i love my job now. Listing my soon entri. MCMF stories, college, lecturer x jdi, my crush, my-ex?gulpp...bla..bla..bla..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ana Raffali...good morning teacher!!!

AJL25~~~focus to the new winner...give her round of applause for the winning that she deserved... ANA RAFFALI...
wahh~~intro....mcm aku pula yg announce bagi that award utk ana raffali. Well, speaking about AJL25 kali ni,everybody seem shocking sebab yg menang artis baru yang Aidit Alfian jumpa kat Youtube. Ala2 Usher jumpa Justin bieber kat Youtube la ni. Apa2 pun,keputusan juri adalah muktamad. Tidak perlu ada mana2 pihak yang cuba mempertikaikan kemenangan ANA RAFFALI. She deserve it. Here a lil' bit info about her since she new in this industry (ceh,mcm aku pla yg dah lama dlm industri hiburan ni..wahaha)...

NAMA PENUH: Ana Nur Hidayah Mohd Raffali
TARIKH LAHIR: 4 November 1985
TEMPAT LAHIR: Kuala Lumpur
ADIK-BERADIK: Anak ke sembilan daripada 11 beradik
KARIER: Penyanyi dan penggubah lagu
PENDIDIKAN: Graduan Kelas Pertama Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan TESL (Kepujian), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
MUZIK YANG DIGEMARI: Rock, alternatif, pop & klasik
ALAT MUZIK: Gitar Martin & Co 000-15
IDOLA: M Nasir dan Datuk Siti Nurhaliza
LAGU YANG DICIPTA: Hujan Bunga di Kuala Lumpur, Mekanika, Cuba Jangan, Ketika Aku Kecil, Ingatkan Aku, Tingkap Kaca, My Darling, Ghost, Lovely Lovely Scene dan Paint Me

~One of her song which is my favourite is TOLONG INGATKAN AKU.aku suka lagu ni sebab lirik dalam lagu ni sangat puitis.Deep meaning la orang cakap.

Jangan disusun kata-kata penamat
Jangan disebut baris ayat keramat
Biar lenyap diserap sunyi
Biar senyap yang tak menyepi
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Mari patahkan papan markah lama
Mari padamkan buku tiga lima
Biar luka sembuh sendiri
Biar lupa dimakan hari
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kau tersedar
Dengan saku penyeluk masa
Kau dampingi aku
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
Bila marah merasuk minda
Kecewa menyelubungi jiwa
Aku lupa
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa
Ku teringatkanmu
Setiap detik jantungku berdetak
Setiap nota jiwaku berlagu-lagu
Tolong ingatkan aku kisah kita
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah ku tersedar
Dengan kasih memeluk rasa
Tolong ingatkan aku
Kisah kita

P/S: Teacher jadi singer...hurmm~~sy syuka ana raffali la if like that...hehe...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sikap segelintir masyarakat!!huh!!

Halo rakyat jelata...

Last year (cheh!mcm lama dah) end of december my boss suru pg bayar bil telefon. So, dgn sgt patuh dan taat kononnya pergi la daku ke pos ofis mbayar bil tersebut. At the post office, satu adegan myayat hati (bagi aku yg emo-sio-nal ini la)telah berlaku depan mata.

First, this princesz just duduk tggu giliran after ambik nombor. About 10 minutes, ada sorg nenek or macik, agak tua pg depan kaunter no.4 (Ingat yer,kaunter no.4 pejabat pos daerah tetttt....!!!). Dia tunjuk la nombor dia kat manusia kurengs yang jaga kaunter no.4 itu. Rupanya nombor giliran dia suda terlepas. Dia suru macik tu ambik balik nombor dengan cara yang aku rasa sangat kurang hajar ok!! Sedih aku tgk org tua diperlakukan sbgitu. Tak boleh ka cakap baik2. Perlukah menengking2 mcm tu. Baru jaga kaunter berlagak semacam. Macik tua tadi tu duduk la depan aku lepas ambil nombor giliran yang baru. Macik tu toleh kat aku. Then aku tanya, "Nombor macik tadi nombor berapa?" Then dia tunjuk kat aku nombor dia tadi "Ini nak,tlimpas sda nombor macik" kecian aku dgn macik tu. Tambah2 myentuh hati aku bila dia cakap dgn aku, "Nak,tulung macik tgk nombor ni ah, macik nda pandai tgk nombor. Tulah tlimpas tadi"

Automatik tringat mami di rumah. Tringat klau dia jalan sorg2 mcm macik ni,tringat time dia pg bayar bil,bbaris,kena cakap kasar dgn org di kaunter ..sob..sob..sob.Then aku pun tggu la tolong macik tu even aku sda selesai urusan bayar-mbayar. Time giliran aku tu, sempat aku sindir kerani yang jaga kaunter tmpt aku berurusan. Sindiran yang membawa maksud JGN KURANG HAJAR DENGAN ORG TUA. Tertoleh manusia di kaunter 4 bila dgr aku cakap macam tu dgn kawan dia di kaunter 3 tu. Sapa makan cili dia trasa biji cili yang kecik2 pedas tu. Hoho,people!!dun forget dis is princesz ok!Tanpa tggu macik tua tu selesai urusan slepas mnuntun dia ke kaunter 3 pabila tiba gilirannya, aku pun chow dgn hati yg sayu dan hiba.

The moral of dis story, u guys can say it.

p/s: First time aku pg bayar bil in my entire life. Mummy!!saya pandai bayar bil suda!!kihkihkih... ^^

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year 2011....New day...Reset!!

Tadaa~~!! Howdy alls~~!! Since very long time no new entri, no new post and no new story. Hehe. Apology my dear followers (which are my kakak2) ^^. Lama benar tidak berkhabar berita di blog ku ini. Sehingga my dear kakak2 heran teda entri baru. So, sempena tahun baru 2011 ini, salah satu azam yang perlu dicapai n dipenuhi adalah always update blog usang ni. Ahaks.

Well,its new year. So, azam baru? atau azam lapuk yang tidak tcapai sejak azali?and,will the wish can be achieved dis year? Common question bila 1 January 2011 menampakkan wajahnya. Chewah!

Last nite tengok firewoks with all the family. Cantik and menarik. How grateful our heart will be bila masih diberi kesempatan Yang Maha Esa untuk melihat semua keindahan itu. Family gathering while im sleeping in the room akibat bos yang nda bagi cuti even its PUBLIC HOLIDAY!!!!
But,lets reset for this new day. PEOPLE!!Reset doesn't mean to forget all those previous memory in our life. My 'reset' means let start new journey of life to become a better person.Point finger to my own nose. Ahaks. WORLD~~HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!