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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

chemistry there~

~ wind breezing on my face, give me some kind of inspiration.
~ they calm me in every way.......
wahh~~!! intro....ala-ala ayat novelis gitu. For starting my blog, sy letak pic ruma tempat me n my fren stay time buat research ala2 'vacation' at kundasang a.k.a New Zealand Sabah last year 2009. Tempat yg sgt2 sejuk dan sgt2 nyaman. Akibat inilah yg mendorong sy utk mhasilkan ayat2 stail2 jiwang novelis gitu as intro tdi. Hee~~ As a first entry, sy sebagai the princesz of dis blog, wanna say that, ENJOY THE VIEW GUYS~~!!